fairer sex

美 [ˌferər ˈseks]英 [ˌfeərə ˈseks]
  • n.女性;妇女
fairer sexfairer sex
  1. Although men will be better able to use a map , the fairer sex can often can get to their destination quicker on subsequent journies because they remember landmarks .


  2. The international survey found that men spent longer watching television , meeting friends , playing sport or pursuing hobbies than the fairer sex .


  3. Although the cigar is intended for the fairer sex , Cigar Aficionado will be smoking them anyway .


  4. Members of the fairer sex are more sensitive to a key stress hormone-with even small amounts sending their emotions into a whirl , research shows .


  5. Now , a study has found that while this is certainly true , men also have to deal with the fact that they are also more stupid than the fairer sex .


  6. That 's because 3 pm is the best time for the fairer sex to win an argument , the poll of more than 1000 men and women found .


  7. That 's because 3 pm is the best time for the fairer sex to win an argument , the poll of more than 1000 men and women found 。


  8. He goes on to point out the prevalence of the lady-killer in popular culture as evidence that good-looking guys do better with the fairer sex .


  9. Men are also nowhere behind the fairer sex , for the research found that the average man 's waistline has grown by1.4 inches to38 inches .


  10. He goes on to point out the prevalence of the " lady-killer " in popular culture as evidence that good-looking guys do better with the fairer sex .


  11. Universities minister David Willetts predicted relationships and traditional household structures will be transformed as the fairer sex powers ahead , and women earn more than their male partners .


  12. But females also appeared more selective when it came to who they counted as friends , with men averaging one more close friend among their immediate circle than the fairer sex .


  13. Ms Strimpel , who wrote ' Man Diet : One Woman 's Quest to End Bad Romance , " said the fairer sex also spends too much time monitoring potential suitors online .


  14. And it is the fairer sex that gives their rivals " bodies a good visual once-over , found Bristol University researchers , rather than their supposedly Neanderthal partners .


  15. And it turns out that the fairer sex are the biggest fibbers of all . According to a survey , a shocking four in five women tell lies on a daily basis .


  16. However , even chocolate had to take a back seat for the poll for Princes Quay Shopping Centre in Hull , found that nothing makes the fairer sex happier than being with their families .


  17. WOMEN prefer to remain silent or use the anonymity of the Internet to deal with being molested on Shanghai subway trains as several high-profile cases have stirred a debate about how to better protect the fairer sex .


  18. The fairer sex has a higher percentage of body fat and conserves more heat around the core . That helps keep vital organs nice and toasty but not the extremities & and when your hands and feet feel cold , so does the rest of your body .
